...because this guy is my advisor. But it's not just that. Doug Dorst, California native, creative writing professor at St. Edward's University and three time Jeopardy champion (I hope if I ever get this title, people will always mention it in their descriptions of me), has published a book called Alive in Necropolis that has recently been reviewed in the New York Times as well as in the Austin Chronicle.
The story is about a cop, Michael Mercer, who found his way into law enforcement after "years removed from college, sick of bartending and office temp work. ... Spooked by a creeping sense of his own irrelevance, he was drinking too much, sleeping too much and getting dark-minded and hopeless in a way he feared might be permanent."
From the reviews I've read, and the fact that the story is set in a suburb of San Francisco called Colma, a graveyard to millions and home to twelve hundred living residents, I get the impression that the story is dark,a bit gritty, and superbly written. I can't wait til I have time to pick up a copy. I was lucky enough to take Creative Writing with Dorst in the Spring and was relieved to have a professor who was so open and experienced. He liked to ramble (he would OD on coffee daily) ha, and from what I remember he could go on about something, anything really, and make it seem like it was worth saying--that in itself is a real talent. But he did imbue us with everything he knows about writing short stories and really encouraged us to go there, to be confident in our ideas. Real genuine kinda guy.
So yeah, I'm a kiss ass but it's sincere because he has been one of those few professors that I have enjoyed listening to. Annnnnd, you'll never believe it, but he is actually scheduled to read from his new book next Tuesday September 9th in the Maloney Room.
The poster said there will be a light reception to follow and you know what that means... cheese cubes, biscuits and strawberries! Yeah!
I'll be there. You should be there. It'll be great.
1 comment:
My friend read his book and absolutely loved it. I plan on borrowing it from her soon!
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