Ah ha ha.... Just for a laugh. Halloween is a tricky time of year. It's a sad time for kids too grown to trick or treat, for teenagers too mature to wreak havoc, and for parents too tired to keep glueing sequins to garbage bags, throwing together a last minute costume for one night of the year.
I think that we are starting to resemble the parents more than the others. Putting together costumes is all about using what you already got.
"I guess I'll just wear my hair down and carry around a bottle of Jack Daniels. I'll be Janis Joplin."(appear to be drunk too, it's more convincing)
"I guess I'll strap down my chest and wear a sock. I'll be a dude." (stuff a bra, wear some read lipstick, and you're a chick)
"I picked up some face paint. I'll just paint myself silver and be an alien."
You know, this is why I'm appreciative of costume ideas that have you standing in the corner of the party, silver paint sweat stinging your eyeballs, going "Why didn't I think of that?"
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